(Paulo Ricardo)
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 10.11.2011
- О себе
- No information given.Perhaps you are an experienced TES modder, or brand new to modding. All are welcome.
If you would like some feedback or help with a mod project, feel free to post a comment, start a new discussion thread, or drop by the chatroom.
Some helpful links:
Mod Author Spotlight: ThirteenOranges
Mod Author Spotlight: Chesko
Tip: Adding SkyUI Menu Features to Your Mod
Start a New Discussion - Get Some Help or Share Your Project
Bethesda Creation Kit Tutorials[www.creationkit.com]
Papyrus Scripting Reference[www.creationkit.com]
Bethesda Official Creation Kit Forum[forums.bethsoft.com]
Creation Kit Video Library
Modeling & Textures Video Library
Team Mod Projects / Help Wanted
Mod Testing Chamber
Cipscis' Skyrim Tutorials[www.cipscis.com]
How To Ask For Scripting Help[forums.bethsoft.com]
TES Alliance Skyrim School[tesalliance.org]
TES Alliance Voice Actors Project[tesalliance.org]
Skyrim Mods Dev Track Blog - Modding Tutorials[www.tesmods.blogspot.com]
Papyrus Debugging[forums.bethsoft.com]
TESNexus Skyrim Tutorials[wiki.tesnexus.com]
Dark Creations Modding Tutorials[www.darkcreations.org]
Blender/Nifskope Tutorial by Jen and 2pac4eva7[skyrim.nexusmods.com]
GECK Video Tutorials[geck.bethsoft.com]
Blender3D: Noob to Pro[en.wikibooks.org]
TES Alliance Skyrim Modding Tutorials[tesalliance.org]
Creation Kit Video Library
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