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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 17.09.2011
- О себе
- No information given.What we doOriginally having spun off as a reject ragtag band of banned degenerates from the world of Battlefield Heroes, Mr. Man Productions (MMPr) has since morphed into a wide variety of things: multimedia, game servers, mindless nonsense, and most importantly, tear-jerking folklore that's passed down generations. While our flavors may vary from time to time, our desire to have fun and build a great community will always be our core mission!
L4D2 ServersFor our L4D2 visitors, we run 5 server varieties:
The Gory Paradise: modded to varying degrees of spiciness.
Vanilla Ice Cream Stand: no mods, the true vanilla experience.
Shootathon: a neverending gauntlet - how hard can holding M1 down be?
Moldy: for our tryhard friends.
8 Pieces of STALE Gum: 8 player co-op experience. (NEW!)
We also support the largest collection of custom maps of any community (462 to date!): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2085542301
History:Eons ago when computers cost more than $20,000 each, a frail manchild was prematurely born far, far away in the the microtransactional world of Battlefield Heroes. Mr. Man, as they named him, was the 'runt of the bunch', shortest of 25 children. Despite having no useful skills at the onset of his birth, Mr. Man created a video that soon exploded into spicy internet success. Unfortunately, the sudden rise of internet fame also quickly brought his downfall - he and his friends were forever banished from Battlefield Heroes after triggering the "Parrot Uprising" of November 2009 fighting against EA corporate greed.
After his permanent ban from BFH, Mr. Man roamed the internet aimlessly for six months until he was introduced to Minecraft by his former loving companion, Bobkabob. Along with VoiceActorMan (Dodge), the trio created the "Minecraft PSA" series which quickly rose to critical acclaim, turning Mr. Man into a crypto billionaire overnight. But his ego once again got the best of him, and Mr. Man's team and the series suddenly passed away on a dark December night in 2012 from a quick onset of frostbite.
Nowadays, Mr. Man again wanders the vast expanse of the internet, searching for a purpose to make his mark once more in the cold, cruel world.
Tributes:Lux[forums.alliedmods.net]: for creating many of the plugins we run on the servers!
dustin for creating/fixing the workshop downloader script, saving me countless hours by not having to upload custom campaigns manually.
Supporting us:Buy us a cup of coffee! http://ko-fi.com/misterman. All of your charitable donations will go straight into server and operation costs.
Community website[www.mmpr.org]No information given.No information given.