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- Дата регистрации
- 03.07.2011
- Страна
- BR
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Tentativa não há.DotAstats.info’s primary target is to provide a huge amount of general statistics such as the frequency a hero is being picked and banned in matches and specific statistics about how many denies, lasthits, kills, deaths and assistances a certain hero has during a match.
Another feature of http://DotAstats.info is, that you are able to matchmake games based on the statistics every user on http://DotAstats.info submitted. This will show you the win percentage of the team you picked against the other team you decided. You are also able to have an insight about herostat-advantage or the average allied advantage points.
You might ask yourself, how we get those statistics. This question can be answered quite easy.
(This website is still in development, more statistics will be able to insert in the future
http://www.dotastats.infoNo information given.No information given.