
Steam Community ID 76561198043793412
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:41763842
Новый Steam ID [U:1:83527684]
Логин SkyminSlash
Тип аккаунта Открытый
VAC Бан Нет
Запрет обмена Нет
Ограниченный аккаунт Нет
Местоположение United States
Настоящее имя Would You Believe Artz?
Участник с 23.06.2011
Общая информация Hallo mein kamerads and velcome to mein profileI will not accept your friend request if your profile is private and do not accept random group invites. You must send me a message somehow and tell me to accept it.PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME IF I AM GOING TO STREAM OR RECORD I WILL IGNORE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THISI clean out my friends list the 1st of every month If you dont talk or play games with me, I will remove you, due to de-cluttering my list.Also, if you do not respond to my question asking who you are after asking twice, I will remove you.I am a female and no, my name is not "Skyrim." Personal Trading Rules - Trades must be of equal or very close value- I do not accept or sell with the force of item overpay- I consider paint (if less than 1 key) on painted items to count half of its normal price (E.g. Lets say we have a normal craft hat worth 1.33 refined, but its painted a paint worth 3.33, well I will talk half of that, 1.66 and add it to the price, making the hat 3 refined)- I will notify you if your items are worth more than mine- I accept mistakes (both my own an others) in pricing, but will argue and not tolerate stupid logic or attempts at scamming (e.g saying 1 refined= 1.00)I have a Youtube channel, which I mostly upload TF2 stuff. https://www.youtube.com/c/SkyminSlashI also run a TF2 centered page on Facebook. Go give it a like if you want: https://www.facebook.com/MercilessMedicAll my SFM artwork is created entirely in SFM. No post editing is done.Profile Picture by KritzelkramsDonations:- Burninome: Strange Mask Mender Medi-Gun (Minimal Wear)- Waffles: Killstreak Shotgun- Shoe: Strange Specialized Killstreak Blutsauger, Killstreak Kritzkreig- YO IT"S DIPPER: Frying Pan- Dapper Duck: Festive Chargin Targe- ream: Carousers Capotain, Doctors Sack, Mark of the Saints- Fabricio: Genuine Specialized Killstreak Original, Medic token- HyperKarma1412: A frickton of stuff (Thanks)