Lil' Stui * care a fake profile

Lil' Stui * care a fake profile

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О себе
Care for a scammer with same profile as me, But with 800 hours….

Walk in the party, Sportin Armani, Half of the crowd all snortin my Charlie.

Your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ come off of that
Someone tell these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that Stu is back!
I got my du-rag on with my fitted sittin’ on it
Now I’m ready to ♥♥♥♥ the game up, ♥♥♥♥♥

1 shot 1 kill what's the deal? - 50 Cent

Team history:

DemoDodger - FaxaDuden, Sligolas, Xilitor, Simit and me. (ESEA)

HvemErVi? - Slemli, Sligolas, Leinad, Strix and me. (ESEA)

GGW (MIX) - Dez1per, Boddz, Puffin, Leinad and me.

Hytten - Puffin, Creakz, Sickness, Leinad and me.

Citater imod mig =D =(

aNdkilde : lær spillet istedet for at list ug efter 20 sek
aNdkilde : børge

dj_skull : klap nu i din fede taber

Stuiboyyy : du er en champ
oWWW^ : kan du selv være ! 😀

Cerealhit: How much hax do you heff
Cerealhit: why aren't you playing EU rank G
Cerealhit: it's made for people like you
Cerealhit: Stuiboy legit doesn't care

zhAME-‎ : hvad med jeg tramper dit ansigt ned i asfalten?

● *DEAD* Yes‎ : What is that reflex bro
● *DEAD* Yes‎ : lucky shots
● *DEAD* Yes‎ : always

*DEAD* LegallyASlime‎ : bb acc?
*DEAD* dj ez‎ : cheaterNo information given.No information given.No information given.