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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 22.05.2011
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Fala ae galera, eu sou o GeneralJIf you've joined this group, that means that you're awesome! If somebody has invited you, that means that they think you're awesome! I created this group because everybody deserves to feel good about themselves, and this is the best way forward :)
Be sure to read the rules on the Important Stuff section of the discussions page, as I don't want anybody getting kicked/banned for breaking rules. Also, you can apply to be a moderator! No experience or set time in the group needed :)
Feel free to advertise any of your YouTube channels, websites, blogs etc (within reason) in the forums, as everybody deserves a chance to express themselves and have their voice heard. Everybody is welcome, no matter what.
We have a public curator! Played a game recently that made you cry, laugh, or simply just smile? Share it on our curator! Be sure to follow us, too, to make sure that we get a public as possible :D Just make sure not to post spoilers in the curator or comments, and leave them only to spoiler-tagged discussions pages
-Bry :DNo information given.No information given.