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my love froznation.tumblr.com 2nd place - Loshara Cup (16 teams) (Death Star.) (PN, , KaLlisTa, Sick, Jess)2nd place - Scavogl 2015 1v1 rooftop cup (18 players)3rd place - B1 2x2 Skeet cup (with Am)3rd place - SunRise 1v1 hunters cup (22 players) (was kicked by angry admin :c)4th place - Freeky cup 4x4 V2 (Death Star.) 4th place - Freeky 4x4 cup (8 teams) (Death Star.) 4th place - VS Snipers 1v1 cup 1st place - Orion eSports cup (12 teams) (4nothing esports team) 1st place - Nuketown 1v1 sniper cup (12 players) 1st place - Codleague SnD cup (4 teams) (4nothing esports team) 2nd place - Stealthy cup (14 teams) (team .cause) 2nd place - SnD sniper cup (10 teams) (team .cause) 2nd place - f0xz 1v1 cup (16 players) 3rd place - Codlife.ru mixcup (6 teams) (Qk. esports) 3rd place - Falcone Gaming cup (12 teams) (4nothing esports team) 3rd place - f0xz SnD cup (10 teams) (4nothing esports team) 5th place - participant of HIVE LAN (10 teams) (misT team) admin/sponsor of OLDFRAME 1v1 tournament (with Caryman/Hellas) admin/sponsor of Dead EQ 1.3 cup