Muscles Egg and Cheese

Muscles Egg and Cheese

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О себе
No information given.The 10te are a Prussian Line infantry regiment looking for EU and NA players. We are looking for members of all skill levels and who are willing to devot time to attend trainings and linebattles on a weekly basis.

Tags: UFC_10te_rank_yourname

Banner: 1st page, 1st row, 2nd to the right.

Regiment Forums (You must sign up):

Teamspeak (for trainings and Linebattles);

Regiment Schedule:

Monday: New Recruit Training 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm GMT -5/EST
Regiment Training 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm GMT -5/EST

Tuesday: PreLinebattle Training 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm GMT -5/EST
Linebattle 8 pm GMT -5/EST

Wednesday: Day off

Thursday: Regimental Fun Event 5:00 pm GMT -5/EST - 6:00 pm GMT -5/EST
Regimental Officer's Training: 5:00 pm GMT -5/EST - 6:00 pm GMT -5/EST

Friday: New Recruit Training 4:30 pm- 5:00 pm GMT -5/EST
Training 7:00 pm- 8:00 pm GMT-5/EST
Linebattle 9:00 pm GMT -5/EST

Saturday: PreLB Training 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm GMT -5/EST
Linebattle 2:30 pm GMT -5/EST

Sunday: Day Off

Prussian Ranks:


Lieutenant General: Jaegerbomb

Major General:

Brigadier General: Warbattle

Oberst (colonel): Shaneyport, MrFurly

Oberstlt (Lt. Colonel):



Hptm (Captain):

OLt (1st Lieutenant): Silentman

Lt (Lieutenant): Kommandant, Carnivorous

OStFw (Sergeant Major): DesertRat, Sander

StFw (First Sergeant): Pinoy, Catfish

Fw (Staff Sergeant): Dleek


StUffz (Sergeant): Danny, CKnight

Uffz (Corporal): Takeda

HptGefr (Lance Corporal): Conicalnewt, Milesbot

OGefr (Private First Class): Lawlessgreenday, Elite_Shogun, Khillium, Werhmacht, Dtook, Forklad, Mooseador, Phogus

Soldat (Private): Anderson, Nick, NinjaTom, Riskitforit, Babyg, Ddril, Ajdabeast, SirExcalibus, Braveheart, sarakota, SuquamishBrave, Kawn

Recruit: Hypnosis, William, Demonshadow, TimbosliceNo information given.No information given.