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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 24.04.2011
- Страна
- United States
- О себе
- 👽Aliens r mai life👽
6:10 PM - Decicus: god fucking damn it ren
Aren't you excited to live in this time of Strange ?
🐧Wall of Fame🐧
3:19 PM - MDirt: imeatingallthefruitsalads
2:37 PM - Decicus: damn it
7:49 PM - Decicus: you and your damn aliens
7:59 PM - MDirt: 🍑 i COME FROM A BUTTREE
9:16 PM - 247Brett: Ew
12:34 PM - Corrupted "Brian D" Motives: I feel like your favorite pokemon is weedle or something
5:08 PM - 247Brett: Sometimes I feel like you take LSD
9:03 PM - MDirt: Oops I forgot to write my 10 page essay, watch 50 movies, then write 100 essays on them, then read my novel over the weekend, write a book report on it, and then write a parody of it that's 265 pages long.
7:02 PM - MDirt: 8:02 PM - 247Brett: Never realized how money breaking bad people are in the office
8:02 PM - 247Brett: RUGTH THERE
8:02 PM - 247Brett: INF RONT OF YOU
8:02 PM - 247Brett: WATCH OUT
8:02 PM - 247Brett: RIGHT THERE
8:02 PM - 247Brett: IN FRONT OF YOU
8:02 PM - MDirt: what fucking language are you speaking
8:02 PM - 247Brett: UR GETTING REKT
8:02 PM - 247Brett: STOP
7:04 PM - MDirt: 8:03 PM - 247Brett: Wrong person
8:03 PM - 247Brett: meant to spam ren
7:32 PM - MDirt: Me is smart.
1:57 PM - MDirt: stfu bish i bet dis is how yo phone calls go
1:57 PM - MDirt: Ren: Ok bye mom
1:57 PM - MDirt: Mom: I love you, Garner
1:57 PM - MDirt: Ren: I lo- *gets hanged up on*
9:37 PM - Renrag: I have seven sisters and a fake left arm.
9:37 PM - MDirt: same
5:36 PM - 247Brett: you see his arm
5:36 PM - 247Brett: and part of his shirt
5:36 PM - 247Brett: and some of his hair
5:36 PM - 247Brett: and he was completely freaking out
5:36 PM - 247Brett: "I'M ON TV!!!!"
7:11 PM - Renrag: Who is Mom
7:11 PM - MDirt: dad
9:25 PM - MDirt: i'd rather waste my time on runescape
[Common] Ezra Lorker says, "Captian your roboticist turned our mech port into an arcade game."
2:20 PM - 247Brett: Trying to do this
2:20 PM - 247Brett: but my brothers wont stop fucking around
2:20 PM - 247Brett: and they wouldnt let me get you to join
2:20 PM - 247Brett: even though your a really good builder
2:21 PM - 247Brett: but w/e
2:21 PM - Decicus: RENNYISGOOD B O I S
9:46 PM - MDirt: brett loves sucking the dicks of people who play good
9:47 PM - Renrag: i just like sucking dick
9:47 PM - MDirt: same