Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 22.01.2011
- Страна
- TN
- О себе
- DICE friend [battlelog.battlefield.com], founder of Battlefield: Tunisian Community [fb.com] and member of REC Filming [recfilming.com].
Objectives of mapping (The mapping project is currently paused at de_lycee_hs and will be resumed later):
- Make the map Hammam Sousse High School under the name de_lycee_hs.
- Make the map of Mongi's house under the name cs_mongi_assault.
- Make the map of our residence under the name cs_jawhara.
- Make the final release of the second version of the RP map rp_placesinmemory.
- Make the third final version of the RP map rp_placesinmemory.
Latest published map (Rp_PlacesInMemory_v2_Beta):
Maps I published:
GameBanana: http://gamebanana.com/members/submissions/maps/995223
garrysmods.org : https://garrysmods.org/collection/219/my-maps
Battlelog [battlelog.com]
Social Club [socialclub.rockstargames.com]
Imgur [collision.imgur.com]
REC Filming [recfilming.com]
RIG [pastebin.com]REC filming was founded in 2012 as a place for Battlefield 3 machinima fans. Our community is composed of directors and professional actors which are first hand real Battlefield gamers. Our goals are not only to have fun playing the game as a team, but also to create something special while using the Battlefield game engine as a tool to make our creative ideas a reality.
We strive not only to create original innovative content, but also to help out each other when we can and also any other interested third party seeking our help. If you'd like our assistance in creating your Battlefield based movie, ranging from filming and editing to providing actors to create your scenes, get in touch with us and we will try to help you the best we can.
We also offer admin powers to our filming servers for directors, providing you with a controllable environemt to film.
REC Filming Website[www.recfilming.com]
REC Filming on Youtube
REC Filming on Battlefield[battlelog.battlefield.com]No information given.No information given.