Aglarian Aran'Lúnarya
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- Дата регистрации
- 12.12.2010
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- The Industrial Revolution, and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race...
...but not as much of a disaster as the establishment of Hewlett Packard and their garbage line of products that I refuse to sell at work on a daily basis. Please buy absolutely anything else, personal recommendations are Lenovo for laptops or Epson for printers (or Brother if you're into laser printing)
Offical Group of King Joseph V Stalin, for fans of my YouTube work
Former RP group.
Let's Troll some Commies
Also, Communists, leave or i'll hunt you down and make your mother loving commie asses leave.
Top Kek.
King Joseph V Stalin YouTube
King Joseph V Stalin Facebook Page[www.facebook.com]No information given.No information given.