
Steam Community ID 76561198034350830
Steam ID STEAM_1:0:37042551
Новый Steam ID [U:1:74085102]
Логин mig_36
Тип аккаунта Открытый
VAC Бан Да
Запрет обмена Нет
Ограниченный аккаунт Нет
Местоположение New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Настоящее имя Myron Inter Gate
Участник с 29.11.2010
Общая информация Chiudi la bocca sporca e non piangere, solo un gioco Trade RULES1) all types of scamming, so dont waste my and your time. 2) Do not ask for free items - I wont give you them. 3) I will never add and block you, if your profile/inventory is private and you have VAC ban. 4) I will never accept lowballs/highballs, and as a result - block. 5) I know items market price 6) If im online via mobile, youd better to use steam trade offer. 7) If you decline my rules - you will be deleted/blocked.