

(Luis Eduardo Guedes Martins)
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NO, i will NOT give you rep for keys or any shady stuff, stop spamming me already

And if you want to add me just to trade my answer is also NO.GamerGate is a consumer revolt triggered by overt politicization, ethical misconduct, and unprecedented amounts of censorship targeted at gamers. GamersGate's goals include eliminating corruption and favoritism among game journalists, restoring trust and respect between the games industry and gamers, and limiting the influence of militant social justice warriors who use harassment and public shaming to further their personal agendas.

Gamers are pissed off, organised, and programmed to win.
The Gamergaters group is an inclusive collection of gamers with a vehement dedication to free speech. We believe that everyone has the right to say as they feel, extreme, moderate, or otherwise. We are not leaders and we are all leaders. We believe in transparency and balance. We make no demands that we would not demand of ourselves.

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@GamerGaters on TwitterNo information given.No information given.