^1BigBossMan1978 [BE]

^1BigBossMan1978 [BE]

(Tom B. (Mr. Blonde) 007.b)
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Дата регистрации
О себе
B-Day (m)07/(d)22/(y)1978
Gaming since: 1984
"I believe, whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you...stranger."

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In Hoc Signo Vinces
BigBossMan's Games & Fixes guide for Windows 10. (Started: 1/1/2018)

Please feel free to add more 'Games Fixes & Solutions' of your own, and by doing so we can also help others with it..
I will do my very best to make them look as nice and as clear as possible in this newly created group. (Very Important Notice:) It needs to be done in English guys, unless you are able to provide with an adequate translation as well!!!

Rewards are not given by doing this guys, but knowing you're helping yourself and others with it, is a just reward on its own.. However in time as we're growing and helping others, i might also be able to reward those that already have contributed in the past by adding "a monthly" raffle where the winner(s) could win a voucher or even a specified game.. (Work in progress)

So guys, let's keep in touch and let me know if or when you would like to contribute by adding your own Games Fixes & Solutions to this group.

Many thanks in advance!
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