(Raphael Andrade)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 22.07.2010
- О себе
- This is /v/g/'s general North American Guild Wars 2 guild's steam page. You should find announcements for important dates and events going on, and eventually WvW information.
The EU guild's steam page can be found at: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GW2EUFUN
NA Server: Sea of Sorrows
EU Server: Seafarer's Rest
Contact Info:
Guild Indexer
Muu Dzo
More TBD
NA Mumble:
Both guilds have been made, and both are resounding successes!
NA has been so successful that it's filled right up to 500 members. To accompany the excess members we've created an overflow guild. To get in please whisper Saintly, Butter Dunker, Satanael or Indoxer! It's HIGHLY recommended to get into mumble (even if it's just to sit and listen, speaking is not required at all!) as organized things like dungeons and geurrilla warfare require a high amount of co-ordination. You can even ask people to request in No Fun Allowed's chat if anyone's interested in doing xyz!
"But why would I want to join a guild run by /v/g/?"
In the past (GW1) /v/g/ has proven to be incredibly helpful, putting plenty of effort to getting members at least 30/50 HoM points all while being a memespam-free environment. The previous two guilds (www.steamcommunity.com/groups/guildwarsan) were largely successful, and one is still going strong to this day.
During all beta weekends and stress tests FUN has been incredibly successful, being the dominant force in WvW and getting a ton of PvE accomplished. We've gone on wild adventures with each other with little to no memespamming where everyone was having, well, fun. While there were a few issues that vigilant members brought up we had taken strides to address each one sufficiently. If you've got an issue please jump into the Steam Chat and we'll be all ears!
Imgur of some FUN beta photos from all beta events[guildindexer.imgur.com]
/vg/'s interactive map of Tyria[www.littlethings2.com]