Space Rock
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 29.06.2010
- О себе
- ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
An introduction into the 341464 Team:
The 341464 Team is a collection of queer, quirky and all-out unique group of individuals.
Whilst the group was founded in Taiwan the team is vibrant with a selection of nationalities ranging from Taiwanese, Australian, Filipino, Romanian and even American.
We've been hosting our servers for over half a decade now and we're still ongoing strong despite the current temporary shutdown due to the great amount love and support we've found throughout our visitors and followers with their kind donations to help us maintain the quality of our servers.
Server list and all IP addresses (All of our servers are currently unavailable):
Main achievement server:
MvM server:
MvM server #2:
TF2Ware server:
Q: Where are the servers? What happened to them, and when will they be back?
A: Things have become a little more complicated than we anticipated as time has passed on as we, the owners and administrators of 341464; all have a few important tasks to tend to right now in our lives. In time the servers are likely to return but as it is, they will remain closed until further notice.
Q: How many administrators are there?
A: We have nine administrators. We used to have a few others but their time with us has passed. They will always be remembered for their hard work and dedication.
Q: Where is the server located/hosted?
A: The servers are located/hosted in Taiwan. ...Obviously.
Q: I'm new to the server and I'm unsure what commands are available. What do I do?
A: Type !helpmenu into chat and you'll find a list of commands such as chat commands, map rotation and even a list of online admins.
Q: How can I become an administrator?
A: Get into contact with us by sending in an admin request form. You can do this by typing !adminreq into chat. If we're impressed enough with your request, you will be accepted into the team. If not, you will be rejected.
Q: Who are those three REDs in the group avatar and website header?
A: Those are three of the four original main administrators and their loadouts. All iconic presences.
Q: What does 341464 stand for?
A: Nothing! It was selected at random by the owner.
Have an inquiry or a complaint that you would like to address to us? Contact the owners:
• Server owner's profile.
• Co-owner's profile.No information given.No information given.