Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 17.05.2010
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- Hey Guys, My name is Zadd. I am a Game Developer for Null Reality, LLC. I have been on steam for a few years now. I like TF2, Minecraft, Hearthstone, Furries, and much more. I don't accept friend requests if your profile is not public!
FYI: Yes, I am a furry. furaffinity.net/users/zadd
Feel free to E-mail me at [email protected]
I'm working on some stuff right now, but I'll keep you posted. Big things coming soon.
We have raffles for any game that has trading and a currency, not just tf2.
Don't get phished, don't login to sus links. If you have complaints about a certain admin/mod or phishers, contact Bill Nye the Heavy Weapons Guy. Only trade items to the host of the raffle, not anyone else, regardless of what they say. Reach out to me if you are unsure about something.
Please be sure that the moderators/admins you trade with are not imposters.
50 members ✓
100 members ✓
150 members ✓
200 members ✓
300 members ✓
400 members ✓
500 members ✓
650 members ✓
1,000 members ✓
2,500 members ✓
4,000 members ✓
6,000 members
9,001 members
13,337 members
15,000 members
30,000 members
When we reach these milestones we will host a giveaway or something better!
Ways to help out this group:
Add some friends to this group so we can get to the giveaway milestones! Do this by following the process below:
Invite friends (Top right of this page) -> All -> Invite!
Set this as your main group! Do this by:
Your profile -> My groups -> Choose main group -> ATRG
Add [ATRG] to the front (Or end) of your name for exclusive perks and benefits including free coaching and carries, advice, and more.
Q: How are the winners chosen?
A: Using http://random.org.
Q: Can I become a raffler/moderator?
A: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ATRG/discussions/6/540738051281296204/
Q: How do I get something raffled?
A: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ATRG/discussions/7/540739405611622553/
Admins and Moderators:
Bill Nye the Heavy Weapons Guy - Owner
If the raffle you entered disappeared, it means it moved to any of these other groups. Joining and entering groups other than these is not recommended or condoned. We are not responsible for any losses or scams in other raffle groups.
No information given.No information given.