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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 18.02.2010
- Страна
- United States
- О себе
- 9:11 PM - ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つFUSK_SOOK: why you looking at profile
Welcome to my profile whoever came to click on View for more information!
Here's some information that you should probably know for my online status.
If I'm online then, free feel to send me a message.
Just leave me a message and i'll respond. If I'm on snooze, it's probably because I forgot or I was too lazy to turn off my computer.
If I'm busy, I'll still respond but I'll be doing work in the backaround while I'm at it.
Looking to Play/Trading
I'll hardly ever use those status but if I am using, free feel to send me an invite to a game that I own.
Also, you're planning on adding me make sure you've played with me from before or else I'll assume that you're a scammer or just some random person that added me by mistake. I also tend to clean up my friends list so please talk to me or else you might end up getting removed.. if not then it is because I think you're a nice person or something like that.
Besides that, I'm just a regular guy that is friendly to others and wishes that he joined Steam around 2003.. I would be pretty young to know anything about Valve's games and its existence. Anyways, if you're also here because I got a lucky shot on you then thanks for taking your time to view my profile. It's nice to see that someone is actually viewing my profile.