(THE Savage Raptor)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 20.01.2010
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- No information given.Hello, Welcome to our community. We are a group of gamers that are working towards making the gaming community better in general. For instance if someone is having a hard time in their life, we all need to be there and make them feel better. If someone needs someone to play with, we are here. We want to make everyone that plays games to stop stereotyping us as bad people. "Cancer players" as so they say, shall be no more. We will rise up and have fun in the process.
1.) Don't be that guy that treats other like trash
2.) Dont disrespect ANYONE.
3.) If asked to stop by an admin, make a smart choice, dont keep continuing what they told you to stop doing.
4.) No harmful acts towards other communities, we should all be as friendly as possible
5.) Have as much fun as possible!No information given.No information given.