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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 30.12.2009
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- No information given.A round based gamemode based off of the Chimera Lab section of the GBA game MOTHER 3. Every round a random player is chosen to be the Ultimate Chimera, a big pink monster who wants nothing more than to kill everything in its path. The Pigmasks (soldiers in pig outfits) are there to put a stop to him. To do this, they must turn him off by pressing the big white button on his back. Getting close enough to do that however, is not an easy task.
The Ultimate Chimera can roar when surrounded by too many pigmasks, it causes them all to flee in terror giving him ample time to track a few down.
This gamemode has been completely rewritten and is now on the Fretta base! Which means a faster pace, automatic map voting and compatibility with servers who want multiple gamemodes on their server.
The time has come for you to dedicate the rest of your life to serving master Porky. Do you have the strength? Do you have the willpower? DO YOU POSSES THE NECESSARY SKILLS TO LEAD YOUR TROOPS INTO BATTLE?
Download this gamemode to find out.
Download TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads)
Once you've installed TortoiseSVN, create a new folder in your garrysmod/gamemodes directory and call it ultimatechimerahunt
Right click on the new folder and click SVN Checkout
Enter http://ultimatechimerahunt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ for the repository URL and leave the rest of the options as is.
Hit OK and the gamemode should download to you.
UCH 24/7:
[07][JokerIce] Ultimate Chimera Hunt [FastDL][UK] -
|=|www.Red-City.org|=| Zarthalan's UltimateChimeraHunt Server -
Chiefeh's Ultimate Chimera Hunt Server! | FastDL! -
Ultimate Chimera Hunt! BRAND NEW, JOIN NOW! -
Ultimate Chimera Hunt Backup -
Community Video Channel!No information given.No information given.