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Steam Community ID 76561198016095499
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:27914885
Новый Steam ID [U:1:55829771]
Логин SirGosard
Тип аккаунта Открытый
VAC Бан Нет
Запрет обмена Нет
Ограниченный аккаунт Нет
Местоположение Canada
Настоящее имя Gosard
Участник с 15.11.2009
Общая информация "Fight to the death or until victory" if you see that a lot of people show you there charity. Еspecially if it shows the warrior that have a lot of experience than you. Not only your weapons must be ready, but the hands that hold it. If you accidentally injure your partner - it will be not your shame. But a shame that people who was your teacher.