

(Sandro Coelho)
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baixakijogos [www.baixakijogos.br.com]
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Grupo nacional de jogadores de Modern Warfare.
Este grupo destina-se a juntar todos aqueles que jogam Modern Warfare 2 em Portugal.

Combina matches, wars e encontra parceiros para jogares em Special Ops.

IGN Information:

When you look at the total package, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is hands-down one of the best first-person shooters out there, and a truly amazing offering across any system. With that being said, our score comes with a disclaimer. For those planning to check out everything Modern Warefare 2 has to offer – online competition, full co-op Spec Ops mode, as well as the campaign – you’re looking at a no-brainer purchase. For the strictly single player crowd, however, Modern Warfare 2 is surprisingly short, and doesn’t live up to the standard set by previous Call of Duty games. The campaign can be completed in as little as four and a half hours, and the missions make better scenarios and moment-to-moment adrenaline rushes than they do a cohesive, well-told story. If you’re going solo, you’ve officially been warned. Look at the complete Modern Warfare 2 experience though, and there’s no denying its rightful place at the top.

Modern Warfare 2[www.modernwarfare2.com]
Fórum - Modern Warfare 2[www.modernwarfare2.com]
Modern Warfare 2 - Game TrailerNo information given.No information given.