-= SimplyJpk | SimplyTF =-
-= SimplyJpk | SimplyTF =-

Steam Community ID 76561198015447756
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:27591014
Новый Steam ID [U:1:55182028]
Логин SimplyJpk
Тип аккаунта Открытый
VAC Бан Нет
Запрет обмена Нет
Ограниченный аккаунт Нет
Местоположение New South Wales, Australia
Настоящее имя James K
Участник с 08.11.2009
Общая информация General Links: Support JustJump, Join the Group My Trade Link Send me a Trade if im not OnlineI run a Jump Community server called JustJump since late October of 2014, Weve grown so quick and Im proud to say it is one of the best Jump Communities youll ever.. Jump into IP: a self taught programmer, looking to start studying early 2016 and move into the game making business. Ive been programming in a small variety of languages. Im not all that great, but keen to learn and always improving my server with what Im learningIf there is something youd like to see on the server, toss it as a comment im always looking for ways to improve the environmentWhy you stalking anyways? Sheesh.Stay Awesome,Jpk.