Melvin Doo

Melvin Doo

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Дата регистрации
О себе
GonkRIP Wexford Wargaming

NOTE: If you have questions or concerns about the group, you can send them to me (Coleman {coLe ` on Steam}).

Counter-Strike Global Offensive SomethingAwful home for Goonpug, nonsense, and a bunch of jerks who secretly hate eachother but only admit it to other people!

Join and idle in chat to see when goonmans are going on (and to get password to the servers).
Goon Servers:

[] Anusmen Armada (no rush 15 min)[SSJ2][Grapple][LowGrav] -

Password: lljk

*** Don't be this guy: ***

3:29 PM - Adraeus: I have been harassed, bullied, and defamed by two LA game producers since October 2011. They even sent malicious falsehoods to personal friends of mine in the game industry, outside of SA, and bought nearly $100 worth of titles for my account with defamatory statements about my professional life, featuring my real photo at least twice. I talked to the moderators. They were probated for three days. So, I went outside SA to find a solution, and they reported me.

6:21 PM - killerllamaman: I went out of my apartment for about 5 seconds
6:21 PM - killerllamaman: and locked my keys inside
6:23 PM - killerllamaman: Had to go on a stupid hunt through brooklyn to 3 different apartments to find the one that still had spare keys, and all without a damn coat
6:23 PM - killerllamaman: but now I get to watch people play CS so it's all cool

4:15 PM - i canmnt play: kill men

12:47 AM - pengy: I baiscally agree with the unibomber's manifesto

12:56 AM - Heis: i pretended to be australian
12:56 AM - Heis: and it was making my cousin laugh
12:56 AM - Heis: while he banged his prostitute
12:56 AM - Heis: i was being so loud and obnoxious
12:56 AM - MEET face YOUR MAKER: heis, a literal agent of patriarchy, gj

3:36 PM - ţØțţɐĝęĢ$ #jesuismrpink: n0thing isn't good anymore
3:36 PM - ţØțţɐĝęĢ$ #jesuismrpink: i played him in mm and wrecked him

2:57 PM - astroman: lmao
2:57 PM - astroman: i just got someone to press f10
2:57 PM - ☠ coLe `: I did that yesterday!
2:58 PM - ☠ coLe `: with rev as witness
2:58 PM - LORD BRAWW: whhat does f10 do
2:58 PM - ☠ coLe `: Brings up a list of cheat commands
2:58 PM - ☠ coLe `: That are enabled at all times
2:58 PM - ☠ coLe `: Like
2:58 PM - ☠ coLe `: without sv_cheats 1 enabled
3:00 PM - LORD BRAWW: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
3:00 PM - LORD BRAWW: you dicks

The CS:GO thread on SA.[]
Buttmen Comp Map Workshop List
Buttmen Fun Map Workshop ListNo information given.No information given.