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This is WC3s new base of operations, the discord has been removed for TOS violations

Disclaimer: If you or anyone you know has been in contact with discord user Tumbledown#6216 we ask you approach our moderation team who will then get you in contact with the proper authorities.

Official WC3 Vidya Channel
Courtesy of ElfLeaderKike
Our main playing region is AMERICA and our channel name is VIDYA. In case AMERICA is down try EUROPE, same channel. The usual game names are "vidya," "gaben," and "autism." You will need a legitimate key of Reign of Chaos and The frozen throne to play on battlenet.

Contact any moderator if you want an announcement/event for games.

Noobs/mikefags/freshmeat: You dotn exist anymore; deadgame lmao
(most of these exist because of certain old members, fuck you guys)
1. Don't shill SC2 or moba's, they are the worst kind of shit.
2. Announcements/events format: [Map] [GN] [Host]
3. Moderators/Officer issues, unjustified kicking/banning should be reported to the group owner(Icrolux) or a mod, and will be dealt with accordingly.
3a. If an unjustified kick/ban is reported to me, please provide a screenshot of the chatlog.
4: Don't alt tab in games!
5. Press the Any Key.
7.Map hacking and any game breaking exploits that fall outside the scope of normal possibilites within a map are not allowed and will result in a ban unless mutually agreed upon in advance.
8. Don't meme the place to death.
9. Spamming the chat can get you banned or kicked hard no matter who you are or what you believe.
10. Just join the discord!
In Garithos we trust
Official Group Anthem

Icrolux is the group owner again since 18-05-2016.

RIP Previous Owners:
ExtremeMan AKA Busta
Khoa and Sumgai (Founders)

Maximum Nostalgia fuel here:

Disclaimer: Slein or whomsoever is the owner of the WC3Vidya discord group bears the sole responsibility for all possibly offensive maps created by any member of WC3Vidya and any legal resposniblities involved withinNo information given.No information given.