(Vítor Arias)
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 16.07.2009
- О себе
- No information given.Welcome to the Zombie Gaming [ZG] Community!
The Zombie Gaming [ZG] Community [www.zombiegaming.org]was originally founded in November 2008 dedicated to the mission of providing a premier gaming community experience. We have members from all around the world who actively contribute to building a premier gaming environment. Above all, what truly sets this community apart is in the mapping contributions provided by many of our community members who continue to produce breathtaking Contagion, Zombie Panic Source (ZPS) and No More Room in Hell (NMRIH) maps for all to enjoy.
In addition to gaming, we focus on zombie entertainment in the forms of Movies, Television and Comic Books. This is an inclusive, friendly community, with continual open enrollment to all new individuals. There are no membership fees or special requirements in order to join. Therefore, ALL are welcome to assign the [ZG] tag to your Steam Profile.
Join the [ZG] Zombie Gaming Community right now by adding our Steam Group to your Steam Profile in addition to signing up as a member on our website at https://www.zombiegaming.org. For any questions or comments, please visit our forums at https://www.zombiegaming.org/forums/ or email [email protected].
[ZG] Official Discord Server:https://discord.gg/mGv86fP
Zombie Gaming [ZG] Server Hosting InformationZombie Panic! Source - zps.zombiegaming.org:27015
Left 4 Dead 2 - Offline
Zombie Gaming [ZG] Official Web Links
[ZG] Zombie Gaming Official Website[www.zombiegaming.org]
[ZG] Zombie Gaming Official Forums[www.zombiegaming.org]
[ZG] Zombie Gaming Official Discord[discord.gg]No information given.No information given.