Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 07.06.2009
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- No information given.We sell steam card sets for CS:GO keys, CS:GO items or TF2 keys.
How do I start? Add the BOT as your friend
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List of Level Up's : Ashir Very Low Level Up: Can take you from Level 0 to 100. For people starting to level up.
Why would I want to level up my steam profile? 1. People with a higher level profile are more trusted and reputable.
2. Every level gained gets you 1 Emoticon,1 Background, and 5 additional friends list spots.
3. Every 10 levels you get a new profile showcase slot which you can use to pimp your profile!
4. Every 10 levels increases your chance of booster pack drops by 20%No information given.No information given.