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No information given.WE KILL FOR FUN

Never the less, the CHAOS MARAUDERS have sworn an oath of allegiance to play fair and honest and support each member of the tempel of chaos. The codex says, that it is forbidden to cheat. No gamplayer may be victim of rudeness nor may he be insulted. So is it written and so shall the path be followed through the alley of darkness.

In bullets we trust and may the gun be with you

You may add an [CM] to your name, but you do not have to.
There are very few rules you have to follow:
1.) Be a teamplayer
2.) Do not insult other players
3.) Do not cheat
4.) Play fair

What a wonderfull L4D
Spray and more[www.gamesprays.com]
Maps, Mods and more[www.l4dmods.com]No information given.No information given.