Johnny Armoredcore

Johnny Armoredcore

(Shazse DaGray)
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A group for redditors to organize MP civ games.
EDIT: link to reddit thread: (stickied)

How to start up games: users can make announcements broadcast via steam that say a game is forming up. Group members will see the the announcement in the bottom left/right of their screen and be able to join the steam chat for the group and start up a game.


1. General Rules

*** No leaving a game, unless

- You lost your capital city (state that before disconnecting)
- All players agree your civ is irrelevant to the development of the game (ask for an irrelevant vote, everyone must vote yes/+)
- All players agree the game is over (ask for a concede vote, everyone except the person everyone is surrendering to must vote yes/+)
- Real life issue comes up (frequent users of this rule will be monitored - try to find a sub beforehand)

*** Only play when you have enough time, six man games usually last more than 6-7hours

*** Any use of Exploits will get you banned. These include but are not limited to use of trade bug and endless tech loop bug (when you bulb/expend 8 Great Scientists in one turn without having discovered sailing or when you have and Scholars in Residence passes, which it shouldn't because it is banned).

*** If the game crashes, ALWAYS meet in chat for a reload.

*** A game with technical problems can be scrapped with majority vote. (ask for a scrap vote)

*** If a player disconnects, all players have to wait at least 10 mins for him to reconnect; game can then continue, be scrapped or a sub can be found. (If he doesn't rejoin chat/the lobby after ten minutes, report him)

***If you spawn Venice you can request a remake.

2. Diplomacy and World Council

***Trading and allying is allowed with human players. No trading or diplomacy with AI, even when peacemaking.

*** Abusing city states for training units and pillaging and repairing tiles not allowed. (you can farm city states for XP, but cannot make peace every turn)

*** Worker stealing is allowed

*** No city trading except in peace dealings.

*** A player can only vote for his/her self for world leader. (not world congress host, world leader is the vote needed for a diplomatic victory)

*** Scholars in residence is not allowed. (because of the infinite science bug - passing it makes it more likely)

3. Warfare:

*** Shift-moves are not allowed. (When you queue up moves so they take place in between turns and the opponent has no chance to respond)

***Repairing opponent’s tiles are not allowed.

4. General code of Conduct:

Suicide on purpose or staying in game without actually playing is considered worse than quitting.

Should a player in your game stream please don't watch his/her stream for fairness! For whatever reason you are doing so, it will result in a warning/ban

*** Collusion or predetermined team play is not allowed.
No information given.