
Steam Community ID 76561198007823418
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:23778845
Новый Steam ID [U:1:47557690]
Логин solgre
Тип аккаунта Открытый
VAC Бан Нет
Запрет обмена Нет
Ограниченный аккаунт Нет
Местоположение Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
Настоящее имя Сольгрэ
Участник с 14.03.2009
Общая информация Where were going we dont need eyes to see. Ложь не считается ложью при ответе на вопрос, который спрашивающий не должен был задавать. All about me in less than fifty words, bottle of whisky and private chit-chat (or dance)? Well, really? Not gonna happen.Im a female gamer (just cant bring myself to say "gamer girl"). I play games for like ages already, 20 years at least. And do not intend to stop.I do like heavy metal, good rpg with a strong storyline and, preferrable, romance plot. Yeah, like one of favorites - Mass Effect. FPS, TPS are cool as well, as the others genres may be except strategy and sometimes quest. I often found them pretty boring and so frigging slow, that i better go and wash someting.