Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 15.02.2009
- Страна
- RU
- О себе
- Trade link
Trading games [barter.vg]Welcome to our friendly Steam Trading Cards community.
Find other players to trade with, or use our automated trading bot.
If you need any help, contact an admin in the group chat.
is a website designed to provide helpful information and tools for users to collect Steam Trading Cards and its related content.
Trading Bot→ Steam Card Exchange Bot - Trade Offer
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Showcase→ View Showcase[steamcardexchange.net]
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Tools→ Badge Pricelist[steamcardexchange.net]
→ Foil Badge Pricelist[steamcardexchange.net]
→ Booster Pricelist[www.steamcardexchange.net]
→ Background Viewer[www.steamcardexchange.net].
Enjoy our services!
Don't post any trade requests, ref links or rep stuff in the comments. Please use the forum for trading related posts!
Steam Card Exchange BotNo information given.No information given.