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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 10.01.2009
- Страна
- CZ
- О себе
- No information given.1) Number of player alliances one can have is limited by maximum of 3x development of strongest player controlled state! Your own development counts towards your alliance limit as well. You can guarantee independence of ONE state which is not going to be counted towards your alliance limit. This limit will be announced at start of every session or rehost. The posted limit might be changed up or do in order of healthy game.
2) Player always have to pick 3 rivals if it's possible even if it would result in breaking his alliance!
3) Dogpiling or ganking of other players is not allowed! To retain the option for "wars of opportunity" you may use "Threaten War" game mechanic on someone who is already attacked unless he is getting attacked by one of your allies. If you use Threaten War and defender rejects your demand a war will ensue but you are only allowed to take: that one province you threatened for, your own cores back (not your vassals or allies, just yours!), war reparations, humiliate and maximum of half of defender's current ducats! You can only use Threaten War once per war!
4) If player is willing to surrender you have to send him your demands as soon as possible! If you targeted someone else as co-belligerent who is not willing to surrender while the defending war-leader is, you have to stop every hostile action against warleader and only deal with rest of people who are not willing to surrender.
5) You are only allowed to take 100% warscore worth of concessions per alliance in war against player! If you make someone a co-belligerent you are allowed to take 100% from that person also in addition to original 100% from war leader and non-co-belligerents. You are not allowed to take more territory from co-belligerent than from defending warleader!
6) If you know you can't make it for a session you have to notify GM in advance and preferably find yourself a substitute. If you fail to do so you risk your country getting ruined by AI. If you fail to attend second session in row your country might be passed to another player.
7) The first session when the nation is not player controlled, after being controlled by player in past, it's still counted as being player and thus counted towards alliance limits as well as protected by no-ganking rule and 100% ws per alliance rule!
8) Exploiting of rules and cheating in general in strictly prohibited! You are still allowed to lie and backstab other players as much as you like.
9) No nation ruining!
10) GM ruling is definitive and NOT open to discussion during session!
No information given.No information given.