Makkusu ★ マックス
(Max Chu)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 07.08.2008
- Страна
- MY
- О себе
- Me? Just an ordinary human who live on a crowded globe which contain uncountable human. A pianist who plays melodies of fantasy in the dream.
Twitter Profile
Facebook Profile [www.facebook.com]
Instagram Profile [www.instagram.com]
Deviantart Profile [maxchu92.deviantart.com]
From Lewd4Dead Server? Click here:https://steamcommunity.com/groups/lewd4dead/
Reasons of Redirection:Newer Steam Group ID having extra digit cause older game like Left 4 Dead 2 MOTD Join Button cannot parse, this is an old group still works.
Good Luck & Have Fun
Sora-Iro Server[wp.nippombashi.net]No information given.No information given.