

(Ademir Rocha Garcia)
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No information given.The Metal Gear Solid series is critically acclaimed and widely considering one of the best video game series ever, with thousands of fans worldwide.

The series is widely regarded for it's amazing story and phenomenal game play that defined the Stealth-Action genre, I believe that everybody should get to experience this legendary series no matter if they game on PC, Xbox, or Playstation.

This petition is for Konami to port across Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid 4 to the PC platform as well as fixing up the current PC releases of Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (Originally Sons of Liberty), this provides Konami to build a audience for the Metal Gear Solid series on the PC which will also help sales of any other games in the series that may arrive on PC.

The Steam platform would be very helpful in porting the game to the PC, as many gamers have welcomed it, providing gamers with features such as Achievements, friends lists and "cloud backup" of saves while also helping developers and publishers by providing features such as protecting their product, Groups allowing developers and publishers to interact with their fans along with the ability to push out game updates whenever needed. More infomation can be found at

Petition[]No information given.No information given.