
Steam Community ID 76561197998808717
Steam ID STEAM_1:1:19271494
Новый Steam ID [U:1:38542989]
Тип аккаунта Открытый
VAC Бан Нет
Запрет обмена Нет
Ограниченный аккаунт Нет
Местоположение United States
Настоящее имя Snow
Участник с 24.05.2008
Общая информация Hi.A friend would not just follow anothers dream... a friend would find his own reason to live. A dream... Its something you do for yourself, not for others. It is my perception that a true friend never relies on anothers dream. A person with the potential to be my true friend must be able to find his reason for life without my help. And, he would have to put his heart and soul into protecting his dream. He would never hesitate to fight for his dream, even against me. For me, a true friend is one who stands equal on those terms.