Proletariat Jay

Proletariat Jay

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No information given.This Group will be filled with latest events and contest by PugGaming!

**What is PugGaming?!
Players United Gaming

PugGaming is a gaming community that strives to provide you the PC gamer with the most fun and best experience you can have while gaming! We do this by offering monthly and weekly events that surround PC gaming! We host Monthly Tournaments with prizes along with weekly "mini events!" We also run a Youtube channel that is growing quickly with over 5k subs and growing daily!
All the latest information can be found on our forums and our website! ( links below)
Also ANYONE can join the community just sign up on our forums and be active!!

All our servers have stats enabled and we do weekly prizes for top ranked players in our servers!

All our servers are powered by Make sure you check them out today for free hosting and powerfull solutions!

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