]HeLL[ Nomy

]HeLL[ Nomy

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О себе
Welcome to my profile! I am Nomy, please don't add me for trade offers! I live in England, my favourite game is CS:S and whatever

Clan Website [hellclan.co.uk]
GameTracker Profile [www.gametracker.com]
Clan Website Profile [hellclan.co.uk]
HeLL Clan is one of the oldest CSS clan in the UK. We do all sorts of CSS servers and they are hosted on best quality servers in and around UK. We never overload our machines so players can enjoy lag free frags.

You are welcome to visit our community website and chat with us on forums, we are very active and responsive to reports and problems :)
The links are on the left.

For a clan like us, we operate differently compared to other local clans. We don't believe in join us forms applications and such, we want the best admins who we think are suitable for our community.

HeLL members are the ideal chosen admins of the clan from our community which makes recruitment by Invite Only.

Note: This group is ONLY for Clan Members.
Feel free to join our Community group.

]HeLL[ Clan Website: http://www.hellclan.co.uk
]HeLL[ Discord: https://discord.gg/hellclan
]HeLL[ Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/hellclan.co.uk
]HeLL[ Community: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/hellcommunity
No information given.No information given.