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О себе
No information given.If you Love Anime, you should join this Group to talk about anime with all kinds of people and make friends with other anime lovers ! Video games are welcome too ! We play all kinds of games. All we ask of you is to follow the rules.

This is a open place for gamers anime lovers to be themselfs without feeling judge or being treated poorly. Open place for any game hentai or anime.
We have normal livestreams of games and anime. As well as After dark with sonic 18+ livestream.(yes hentai and so on) So you tell me when you find a group who does all that.:D
List of animes that are loved <3 If i missed a anime post it as a comment
We support! all things! furries and ponies!


If an admin asks you to stop doing something, stop. Even if it is not in the rules. Talk to the Owner if there is a problem with an admin.

One time rule break is a kick, the second is a ban. The spammers get a special treatment, they get banned right away. You can always talk to one of our mods or admins when you think you don't deserve it, we will then decide.

Join &lt;.::Anime Fan::.&gt;
No information given.No information given.