

(Yasha Efimenko)
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О себе
Been playing CS since I was little and I'm still bad at it.We used to play in EvilSmurfs RPG Surf Server and then they fucked it over so we decided to make our own clan. At first "The.Kb.King" had his name like this as his normal name...not to show as a clan tag, but then Enzo put The.Kb. in front of his name just because it would be cool. Soon after, many people put the clan tag in thier name and thats how the clan started. When our sever was first starting, EvilSmurfs found out and DK flippedout and banned all Kb's. Our servers are run by The.Kb.King and The.Kb.UniNamer and we are mainly a RPG Surf clan but now our clan is stemming out and we now have a ScoutzKnivez NoScope Server, GunGame Reverse Server, a Source Server, and a Regular Surf Server. We hope to become widely known and hope as many people as posible join our clan and play at our servers. If you would like to join, ask The.Kb.UniNamer or The.Kb.King and we will talk it over with you.

Clan Website - TheKbKlan.com (by Slayer and EvilWafflE)
Forums - http://kbklan.freeforums.org (by Keppi)
RPG Surf Server -
NoScope ScoutzKnivez -


- The.Kb.UniNamer

The.Kb.Klan Website![TheKbKlan.com]
The.Kb.Klan Forums![kbklan.freeforums.org]No information given.No information given.