

(Brent Howard)
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О себе
No information given.Angels of the Warp is a six years running multi-gaming community founded upon friendship and good times. Our group became interested in Star Citizen during it’s early Kickstarter phase, particularly for its player versus player opportunities.

We have been successful in making it to the top of multiple FPS games with an unorthodox style of teamwork. We pride ourselves on playing to the best of our abilities, while maintaining a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. We play regularly and always try to involve as many people as we can. We frequently run in-houses to hone our skills against other talented players.

If you’re interested in playing with us, you’re welcome to do so. Since we are a family first and foremost, you must get to know the other members before applying to join. The best way to get in contact with us is Discord. Our VOIP program of choice is Mumble.

Mumble: voice.angelsofthewarp.com:64738

Discord: https://discord.gg/6Mzj6Es
Below are some games we are currently playing as a group; however, our members play many different games, from all genres.
Counter-Strike Global Offensive
Battlefield 1
Rainbow Six Siege

AotW Star Citizen Org[robertsspaceindustries.com]
AotW Star Marine Video
Orginal AotW Intro VideoNo information given.No information given.