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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 04.12.2007
- О себе
- No information given.This group is now being used for bet predictions, the predictions are only protips and are on own responsability, we do not have anything to do with you're bets they are your responsability.
its free to be a part of the group how ever if you want to donate you can, and it's greatly appreciated @ https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=41314326&token=aOOkJLd4
you also have the chance to donate for a moderator/admin spot (gives you ability to post topics on the group page, start privat convo with group members, kick/ban people etc etc) there is no real prize set but you can go ahead and message me with an offer
- Safe bets guys, your headadmin K3nta/cOcun9
Facebook newspage[www.facebook.com]No information given.