p✰ powah
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 03.12.2007
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- twitch.tv/powah
pubstars ✰
Powah became verbally abusive and started maniacally throwing bananas at nearby pedestrians while simultaneously yelling “meatshot.”
11:41 - Whisker :> | tipofthehats.org : 'RELAXA NA PIRÒCA, RELAXA NA PIRÒCAAAAAA!'
11:42 - Whisker :> | tipofthehats.org : Presente de natal: TE CURAR
11:42 - Whisker :> | tipofthehats.org : Vai uma cura aí? ___\|/____
11:43 - Whisker :> | tipofthehats.org : ok i sleep
11:43 - Whisker :> | tipofthehats.org : HIGN
11:43 - Whisker :> | tipofthehats.org : GHT
11:43 - Whisker :> | tipofthehats.org : NIGHT
2nd - Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 1ª edição (aberta) - 2009 (dream)
3rd - Custom Maps Championship 2 (- 2009 (KyE)
3rd/4th - Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 2ª edição (elite) - 2009 (MAD)
3rd - Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 3ª edição (elite) - 2010 (sX)
1st - Rei da Rampa - 2010 (sX)
1st - Custom Maps Championship 3 - 2010 (g0re)
1st - Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 4ª Edição (elite) - 2010 (g0re)
1st - Intel LANFest Online 12v12 - 2011 (CLASSIC MIXUP)
1st - #tf2.ultiduo.na - Ultiduo Cup #1 - 2011 (CLASSIC MIXUP - me and platinum)
1st - UGC Highlander League Season 3 - 2011 (CLASSIC MIXUP)
2nd - Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 5ª Edição (elite) - 2011 (skc)
1st - Vintage Championship (Primeval Warrior) - 2011 (Tte) R.I.P FBTF
1st - eXtv ultiduo tournament - 2012 (Defending Champs - me and platinum)
1st - ESEA-IM season 11 - 2012 (The Mad Men)
5th - ESEA-I season 12 - 2012 (No Need for Names, RIP MAD MEN) [3rd seed before i left :( ]
1st - ESEA-IM season 12 - 2012 (Wow Wow Kapowwah aka SteveCgames)
1st - FastCup 6v6 - 2013 (boom)
2nd - CEVO 6v6 - 2013 (sean whisker doc jesus dextro buds)
1st - 2nd FBTF Cup Elite - 2013 (MONSTER) - Best scout, sniper and MVP
1st - ESEA-O Season 15 - 2014 (BUDSQUAD - whisker sean lange star cyzer and auzzie)
1st - UGC Highlander South American Division - 2014 (Squishers)
1st - Esquilado MGE 2v2 - 2014 (powah & majesty)
1st - Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 9ª Edição - 2014 (MONSTER) - Best scout, sniper and MVP
1st - UGC S15 South American 6v6 League (MONSTER)
1st - Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 10ª Edição - 2014 (MONSTER) - Best scout
1st - Copa FBTF #3: Custom Maps Edition - 2014 (MONSTER AceZone)
1st - Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 12ª Edição - 2015 (MONSTER)
1st - Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus - Season 3 - 2018 (SVIFT SA)
Melhor médico LBTF2 3ª Edição - 2010
Melhor médico LBTF2 4ª Edição - 2010
cantinho do ck:
OI CK <3 cantinho pra vc aqui
04:07 - acabei com vcs: ^_______________^
04:07 - acabei com vcs: seu LIMPO
04:56 - Whisker Biscuit :>: GABRIELL....
04:56 - Whisker Biscuit :>: I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW
04:57 - Whisker Biscuit :>: THAT YOU ARE THE BEST
04:57 - Whisker Biscuit :>: and knowing u makes me smile
01:45 - LG | cyzer.iT: I HOPE YOUR BANANAS ROT
01:45 - LG | cyzer.iT: i dont mean that
01:45 - LG | cyzer.iT: that was harsh
01:45 - nNn`whisker's as50: wow paul
01:45 - LG | cyzer.iT: im sorry :(
yt channel
thank you, papa johns. [thankyoupapajohns.tumblr.com]
i was good at viaduct SE VOCE É UM LEÃO DO PUB, SEU LUGAR É AQUI.
use a tag e cause o terror.
p✰ powah
p✰ sonic
p✰ nattanmlk
p✰ sikdoper
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p✰ koel
p✰ thenoob
p✰ Nico
p✰ thiago
p✰ ruka
p✰ erik1
p✰ pursuit
p✰ DiMAS
p✰ ryuk
p✰ K o R N
p✰ joao
p✰ hugo1
p✰ Dr. AtoM
p✰ sate
p✰ Davi.
p✰ jailsão
p✰ Ricci
p✰ frz
p✰ Knight170
p✰ nerdy
p✰ dóKz
p✰ Trinity
p✰ zavask1
p✰ pneuma
p✰ RKO
p✰ wyes
p✰ wall
p✰ Jumpy
(South American players only)No information given.No information given.