- Дата регистрации
- 29.09.2007
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- ୧༼ ͡◉ل͜ ͡◉༽୨
♥♥♥♥♥ The TCHalo Server Network hosts a variety of servers, each with their own community. We're always looking for new players to join us, so look into one of our servers to see if something catches your eye!
Servers currently hosted:
Θ Garry's Mod: Custom Prophunt (Last Prop Standing!)[tchalo.com]
Θ Garry's Mod: Trouble in Terrorist Town[tchalo.com]
Θ Garry's Mod: Cinema[tchalo.com]
Θ Garry's Mod: Murder[tchalo.com]
Θ Garry's Mod: Death Run[tchalo.com]
Θ Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Scouts Only[tchalo.com]
Θ Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Random Pistols[tchalo.com]
Θ Minecraft[tchalo.com] {1.8!}
-Multi-World (Creative, Survival, Guest, and Funhouse!)
-Free-Build creative
φ Starbound[tchalo.com]
φ Terraria[tchalo.com]
Φ No More Room in Hell[tchalo.com]
Φ Killing Floor[tchalo.com]
Φ Killing Floor 2[tchalo.com]
Θ Battlefield 3[tchalo.com]
Θ Counter-Strike: Source: Mini-Games[tchalo.com]
Θ Armagetron Advanced[tchalo.com]
Θ | Public Server
Φ | Passworded Server
φ | Server offline (low traffic)
=Mumble server: tchalo.net:64738
Join our community!
Forums[www.tchalo.com]No information given.No information given.