Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 22.09.2007
- Страна
- PT
- О себе
- Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz - Speed 4.9 GHz
Video Card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
Welcome to the neonDragon.net community :)
It was in 2006 when the community "neonDragon" first started to be known around the UK population and around 2009 it reached its peak. From then until now, it is still well known internationally with many players joining from all over the world. The main point of the community is to make the regulars feel happy and accomplished in a certain way with the servers that the community provides. And as expected, our motive and our mission goes exactly through that, innovative with dynamic style and as such. Every day new strategies are thought-out and new chances are studied, always with the goal of keep pleasing our players. With this attitude, all is left for us is to wish that you continue enjoying our services and that you give your contributions, being it notorious or not, so we can keep growing and showing our quality as a community.
Our awesome servers:
JAILBREAK - The CT's have managed to get all the T's into prison! Obey the CT's... unless they're not looking!
IP: cs.neonDragon.net:27015
SPEEDRUN - Jump/climb/run to the end of the map in the fastest time possible.
IP: cs.neonDragon.net:27016
SURF - GUNGAME - An epic combination of surfing and gungame. Try to slide along steeply angled walls to reach objectives. Along the way take out some enemies to increase your gun-levels. First one to reach gun-level 26 wins!
IP: cs.neonDragon.net:27017
ZOMBIE ESCAPE - Run to the end of the map so you can escape from the zombies! Remember... they are faster than you!
IP: cs.neonDragon.net:27018
ZOMBIE RESPAWN - Humans vs Zombies with free Respawn! Get the best score and claim the title of best Zombie Hunter of the server.
DEATHRUN - Avoid traps and reach the trap activator (T) in order to kill him. You can of course also be the trap activator and try to kill all the CTs before they reach you!
IP: cs.neonDragon.net:27019
DEATHMATCH - Experience the classic intense gameplay that Deathmatch has to offer with its touch of mass massacre and constant killing. Play fun maps, and use the awesome things on the server such as RollTheDice.
ROADRAGE - Come enjoy a very intensive gameplay of cars & automatic bunnyhop while you find new ways to kill your enemies and reach the top!
KZ CLIMB - Climb to the top of the map and be the one with the fastest time!
IP: cs.neonDragon.net:27023
TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN - Be the traitor and try to kill all the innocent people! But be careful... detective is watching you!
AIM MAPS - Try to kill your enemies with headshots or not and be the one with the highest rank in the server!
Forums: http://www.neonDragon.net
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NeonDragonGaming
Subscribe us on youtube:
Enjoy! Come play on our servers. We are waiting for you!
neonDragon.net Forums[www.neonDragon.net]
neonDragon Gaming @ Facebook[www.facebook.com]
Official Youtube ChannelNo information given.No information given.