(Edgar Maurici)
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 16.08.2007
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- No information given.We are the Friendliest Servers on the Interwebz.
It's Not FuK World, It's Fug World with a ggggggggggg
We are an online gaming community that has been around about 11 Years and we welcome everybody. Our main game has always been Team Fortress 2, but we now play so many other games (both Multiplayer & Single Player) tooooooooooooooo.
FUG Community Forums - http://www.FugWorld.com/
1 TF2 Server up Now,
1 Teamspeak3 server
1 Discord Server
Donations are welcome and greatly appreciated in any amount. All donated money goes into the paying for the servers and upgrades. We do not make any profit.
We do not have or sell reserved slots for admin. Even Snood & Fug™ have to wait to get in a full server.
* FUG'S CONVOY SERVER: convoy.fugworld.com OR Fugworld.com | 24/7 Convoy | Fast Respawn
TeamSpeak3 & Discord Servers: (Voice Chat) Meet other Fuggers :D - Everyone welcomed.
If you'd like to play a game with someone and need a place where to chat to your team, join our teamspeak server.
* FUG'S TEAMSPEAK 3 IP is : ts.fugworld.com
* FUG'S DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/smR8TKq
Thank you everyone for ur support. It means so much more than U guys and gals will ever know.
We Love u Guys and Gals - From the start we wanted to make a place where players were respected and knew they were wanted. A place where people could come and forget thier real life problems and have fun with friends and future friends that they meet here. A place where the admins understand that the players should be respected and honored and be treated as such. A place that knows the real value of gaming and that is you, the gaming community, We wanted a place where everybody felt welcome and could be themselves without any racial or real life griefing. A place where everybody knew your name and would take the time to say Hi.
U all are the best bunch of people ever.
We started with one Convoy server.........
Hoping just to get all the old dedicated Convoy 1 players back together. Giving everyone that loves CONVOY 1, a place to hang out, have fun and kill some time while attracting even more players to one of the best TF2 maps ever.
Thanks for all your support for all these years - We do love u all
Fugworld Community Forums[www.FugWorld.com]
Fugworld HLSTATSX page[fugworld.hlstatsx.com]
Fugworld Teamspeak Server[ts.fugworld.com]No information given.No information given.