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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 05.07.2007
- Страна
- CA
- О себе
- No information given.Welcome to *S.W.A.T.* Gaming!
We were initially established in the early 1990's when a small group of gaming friends had an epiphany! This epiphany came as we played Eagle Watch on M-player, we took notice to and were fed up with rude, cheating, and lackluster gamers whom were all becoming more difficult to deal with.
We all sought a common goal; we wanted a place for us and people like us. We wanted a place to game in a cheat free, friendly, and relaxed atmosphere but... we couldn't find one.
To hell with it we said! We will create our own, and thus *S.W.A.T.* Clan was formed. We started as a clan as many clans do, but quickly became irritated with ranks and orders (not to mention most clans have a quicker turn around then retail). So, we dumped the clan thing and started fresh as a group. A group of friends and "e-family" "*S.W.A.T.* Internet Gaming Group"!
So, to sum it up we have dedicated this little corner of the net to our Live Server Information, player stats, and other junk. Feel free to pop in vent or our servers, and don't forget to visit the Forums and Main Page.
- See you in the crosshairs!
SWAT Internet Gaming Group[www.swatgaming.net]No information given.No information given.