Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 05.03.2007
- О себе
- No information given.myTF2.com is not a clan, but a community of players that anyone interested can join. myTF2 members are strongly encouraged, but not required, to play on myTF2 servers in order to ensure a smooth, lag-free environment where you can engage in team work based tactics and strategies with other members.
In addition to our owned and run servers, we issue Steam event notifications regularly, more or less a couple times a week. Taking part in events means you will be part of a system of gamers who all enjoy having a good time.
Feel free to have fun, and even screw around, but don't go so far as to mess up the game play or level of enjoyment of others. Basically, don't be a dick and you will do fine.
We are primarily located in the United States, but have members from several other parts of the world, and at any given time we usually have several people online and in games. The average age of myTF2 members is around the 20’s.
You may also use the community approved myTF2 tag. The tag is as follows:
|mTF²|yournamehere or yournamehere|mTF²|
To set your tag do the following:
1. Under the file menu at the top of the Steam main windows select View and Settings.
2. Select the Friends Tab.
3. Paste the tag in front of your name.
So, play some of games, have some fun, and don’t take anything too seriously. None of this is as important as you may think.No information given.No information given.