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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 16.06.2006
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- No information given.Welcome to Panda Elite Gaming. We're a gaming community primarily playing FPS and MMORPG games. Keep checking here and for announcements to see the updates, join our Ventrilo server if you'd like to chat. Please invite all your closest friends to the group. We're looking forward to killing you soon <3.
Panda Elite Gaming Website @ WWW.PANDAELITEGAMING.ORG
We are currently playing Battlefield 3, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and Warz if your interested in plaing with us hit us up.
Have a question or complaint, maybe you just want to hang out and chat? Join us on our group ventrilo.
Ventrilo Info: vent20.gameservers.com Port 4280
Add the tag | pEg | in game to show your support!
Panda Elite Gaming[pandaelitegaming.org]
Panda Elite Gaming on Facebook[www.facebook.com]
Playing With PandasNo information given.No information given.