![[King]-xXx-Felipe 2-xXx-[Clan]](https://avatars.steamstatic.com/0990f5b93151b47a5c01f783220cda4e0a38b97c_full.jpg)
[King]-xXx-Felipe 2-xXx-[Clan]
(Felipe Mala)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 23.04.2006
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- {"Nerds HU3"} Muahahah Kurama ! Sou o Nerd Mais Bobo, Anti-Social, Forever Alone, Lunatico >.<, Virgem, Autistá, Esquizofremico, Imperativo, Compusivo, Paranoico, Poblematico, Sem Noção, Redoudante, Ingenuo, Rude, idiculous, Mimadu, Pisicoticou, Drogadou, Enrolado, Preguiçozo, Bebadou, Engraçado, Ensagerado, Maniacó, Irritante, Meio Louco Maluko e Analfabileto do Mundo, To Certo !!!, e 1 Dia Irei Ser Hokage !!! >.<"! xD =P (Sou o "Ninja" Nerd mais Anafabeto q vc Já Conheceu !!! xD)
*******************---([(*NÃO ADD KEI Ñ CONHEÇO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*)]}---*******************
Não Faço a Minima Ideia de Quem eu so..., Mais Couserteza...,Sou 1 Nerd Analfabeto que não Estuda, xD "Xuxa e os Duentes" Origem dois Nerds
*---[[[ ITENS TROCAVEZ OU DAVEZ ]]]---*: http://steamcommunity.com/id/felipedois/inventory/#753_1_1713888883621569889 No meu Inventario XD !!!
-((( CANAIS DE Felipe 2 xD: [OFFLINE =´( ] {AO Vivo}: http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561197982239377/ http://www.twitch.tv/felipedois http://www.xfire.com/live_video/felipedois/ )))-
-[[[ Geralmente ONLINE Na Madrugada ;) ]]]- "Velhinhu da Madrugadáa !!! >.<"
*---[[[Servidor Alugado 24/7]]]---*: HL2DM:
-((("Orgulho Otaku !!!!")))-
-((("Orgulho Nerd !!!!")))-
-((("Orgulho Retardado !!!! Yeah")))-
-((("Orgulho Nhaa !!!")))- NhAaAaa !! >.<"!
-((("Orgulho Complequiçado")))- !!!! xD Complexiço xD
-((("Orgulho Enrolador")))- !!!! xD Enrolado xD...
Meu nome Todo é Felipe Maia or Mala, xD HAEaeuHAE>.<
Vejão Minhas Recomendações de Jogos..., XD !!!
E Minha Lista de Inventario Disponiveis para Troca ou Juegous O.0"! Or Not XD !!!
As vezes eu Tenhu Aminesiar O.O, XD !!!
-(((Nós Nerds Somos uma Raça Inferior..., Mais 1 dia Dominaremos o Mundo..., Muahahahahaha xD...)))- "Forever Fan of Star Wars Come To The Dark Side !!!"
I Love USA !!!... =D :D :), XD (Eu boto tudo em "xD") UHAEUHuhae XD... [Eu so Não Boto "XD" quandu não é Engraçado =´( ] XD... !!!
[Vou Virar o Mestre Dois Jogos..., =P, UHAEUHAE XD LOL] {Eu Serei Hokage 1 Dia >.<"!}]
-{Ou eu Vou Virar o Mestre Pokemon Naruto Uzumaki O.O, XD !!! ou Uzocrack O.O, XD}- ("O Lendario Togrogue do Morro da Folha da Maconha, o Mestre Togrogue [Hokage], 1 dia eu Uzocrack Xaruto, Irei ser o Rei...") XD... "talveiz eu seja o mestre de todos do blocks ><"
("I BE AN RETARDED OR CRAZY !!!! or Not O.0!") "need a doctor"
Best Radio !!! [top100station.radio.de]
Favorite Radio Two [www.pulsradio.com]
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Here's a link of Three Videos:
-(((This Group Was Made For People Who like AVP)))---
(IGN have a new preview up and confirms some multiplayer details: "Up to 18 players are accommodated across all three platforms, and cross-species play will also be fully supported... A four player co-op skirmish mode is also included.
In terms of modding, a GamesCom review on AvP2Daily.de mentions that the idea is still up in the air. Behind-the-scenes, they told them that modding stuff is planned for the PC.
Here's a quote from Rebellion co-founder Chris Kingsley about the graphics: -
-"Rebellion has some pretty funky physics and lighting built into our 3D games. In Aliens vs Predator we are throwing around thousands of polygons. The AMD-K6-2 processor has the floating-point power we need! In Aliens vs Predator some of our characters are made up of more than 3000 polygons and our water environments have over 7000 polygons. Rebellion will use the power that AMD's 3DNow! technology provides to make an even more compelling gaming experience."
---(((Experience A War Like Never Before Between Two of Sci-fi's Most Iconic Characters)))---
---[[[Below, Some Trailers of AVP 3]]]---:
Trailer of Story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NtpnNjh3jI
Trailer of Multiplayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXmojZlva-8
Trailer of Alien: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h67ME4CaQiU
Trailer of Marines: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJgdU_S5U-U
Trailer of Predator: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQQc83aBS3U
Trailer of Bloody: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWx6gGNMtmw
Trailer of Tactics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLQsdUnpv10
The Best Game Ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
---[[[Todos Os Br e Pessoas Que Gostão de AVP, Podem Entrar Nesta Comunidade.. ^-^"! ^^ :) ;)]]]--- {LOL, É O Melhor Jogo do Mundo !!!! AVP3 \o/}
AVP.Net Galaxy[www.avpgalaxy.net]
Buy AVP 3 xD !!!
Trailer of "A Bloody Hell"..., xD !!!!No information given.No information given.