Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 11.03.2006
- Страна
- DE
- О себе
Game 1k: Gemini Wars
Game 1.5k: Runers
Game 2k : Trulon: The Shadow Engine
Game 2.5k: Nux
Game 3k: ?????????
Game 4k: PROFIT
Love U, Steam
"Dark Souls ist weit mehr als nur ein Schwierigkeitsgrad!" M.S For those striving to achieve 100% Achievements status in any, or all, steamworks games.
The members of this group will help each other achieve 100% status in any way they can.
In multiplayer games this may involve organising to join a server at a certain time. And for single player games by providing guides and hints.
Some Rules:
* Farming is ok, but exploits are not.
* You must achieve your own achievements. Don't let anyone play your account to do it for you.
* Be Nice.
* Have fun! Remember, the purpose of achievements is enjoyment, and enjoyment only. If you are not having fun, then you are missing the point.
Our Discord Channel[discord.com]
AStats - Our favorite competitive achievement tracker[astats.astats.nl]
Completionist.me - A great non-competitive alternative[completionist.me]No information given.No information given.